Sunday, June 8, 2008

Comida Americana (American food)

Last night I was invited to the home of one of my students, who is also a friend of mine, and was asked to cook "American food". After a lot of jokes about how I was going to cook cheeseburgers and french fries, I assured them that I would cook some healthy and tasty American food. For those of you who don´t know, I love to cook and if I do say so myself, I am a pretty good cook! I was excited to get into a nice, big kitchen with ingredients bought by my student and get to cooking.

A new American friend of mine came with me to help out with the cooking and to partake in the "American food" dinner. I had prepared the menu and after realizing quickly that I had been a little too ambitious in my menu choices, I was very glad to have the help!

Here is what we cooked: Italian style fish with spiced breadcrumb topping, peanut sesame noodles, mexican cornbread, green salad with raspberry balsamic vinagrette, and for dessert- peanut butter cookies! You can see every thing nicely laid out on the table (minus the cookies which came out later). The presentation was awesome and the food came out great. It was so nice to eat some familiar dishes that I have not cooked since being down here.

It was kind of funny to see the Brazilians´reactions. They didn´t seem to know how much to take or what to try, but overall everyone loved the food. My student said to me that when a good thing happens, it needs to be repeated. I told him that it can be repeated, but not for a while. This cook-fest took all the cooking energy out of me for a while. I need to re-charge the batteries and eat someone else´s cooking for a while. But it sure was nice to eat peanut butter cookies (made with Brazilian peanut creme, alas imported Peter Pan goes for about US$12-13!!!).

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