Today is Dia das Criancas, or Kids' day. In Brazil they celebrate Mothers' day, Fathers' day and Kids' day. Today basically consists of parents buying presents for their kids and some places having events for kids, like games or a trampoline, or other kid stuff. On my morning run today they had closed off the street near the lighthouse (which they usually do on Sundays anyway), but had more booths and such being set up to celebrate this holiday. There was also some kind of dog fest going on near this pet supply store. They had a sound system and a bunch of folks with their dogs all decked out standing around. Upon quick glance it looked like maybe it was some kind of pet wellness event because it looked like they were giving vaccinations in this one tent, but it was hard to say because I ran by kind of quickly. I did love seeing all the dogs though...so cute! I miss having a dog.
Today I am going to go eat some crab with one of my students and a friend of mine who is also American and an English teacher. In Salvador it is very common on Sundays to go to these open air restaurants, sit around with friends and family, eat crab and drink beer. There are 2 kinds of crab here, crab that comes from the sea (called "siri") and crab that comes from the mud (called "caranguejo"). There is a slight difference in taste and the shells of the siri are softer than those of the caranguejo. Both taste yummy though and it's fun to sit around and try to get the meat out of the shells. There is also this dish called "casquinha de siri", which I totally love. They take out all the siri meat and mix it with breadcrumbs and spices, then serve it in a little bowl. All the taste of the siri with none of the work wrestling with the shells!
Anyway, I should go and get ready so will sign off. Happy Kids' Day!
1 comment:
We indians too have children's day. Its nov 14, the birthday of our first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He was fond of kids.
We organise parties at schools to celebrate it. I'm not a kid anymoire (15), but i still love to eat sweets on children's day.
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